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Ice Machines for Construction Sites & Landscaping Companies

Are you in search of a dependable and budget-friendly solution for your ice machine needs? Look no further! Total Ice Solutions is the ultimate LOCAL solution for all your ice machine needs. Our leasing plans not only help you reduce capital expenses, but also take care of the maintenance and upkeep. You can confidently rely on us to deliver top-notch ice machine services for your company.

At Total Ice Solutions we have ice machines & ice bins to supply your workers with the ice they need, at the price you need. Our flexible leasing program allows you to upsize or downsize at any time. We maintain your ice machines while you work on running your business. TIS is a loyal service provider to our Central Florida clientele. We guarantee you’ll be satisfied with our quality products and excellent service. Contact us to learn about our services and see how we may be of service to you.

Ice Bin with ice and Scoop


Save up to 70% Leasing an Ice Machine​ vs Buying Bagged Ice!

  • Top quality ice machines and ice bins

  • Local company servicing Central Florida

  • The right equipment for your company

  • Equipment for the needs of 5 to 300 people

  • Water filtration for clean quality ice, included

Stop spending enormous amounts on bagged ice!

ice machines and ice bins for

Working outside in the hot Florida weather means your workers need to stay cool. With an ice bin from Total Ice Solutions, they can fill their coolers easily to start their day!  Contact us to determine the right ice machine for your needs.​

  • All Construction Companies

  • Landscape Companies

Landscaper laying sod next to cement brick walkway
Landscaper using a trimmer outside
Back of truck with cooler filled with ice and a water cooler for outside workers
Construction workers outside

Let's chat about your needs!

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